
We’re a Game Dev Club!

We’re a small, but passionate group of students at Florida State University with a passion for making games. Whether it’s the design, art, code, storytelling or music, we love it, and we’re working on it!

Members frequently share what they’re working on on our Discord server - either personal projects, part of their degree, or their portfolio of work they’re using to break into the games industry (wish them luck)!

We hold meetings every Thursday in the Love building! Once again, join our Discord (see icons above) to be notified when meetings take place!

What’s “DevLUp”?

Previously known as the UF Game Developer’s Association (UF GDA), DevLUp is a non-profit student organization that works to bring game development to schools across Florida.

We’re what’s called a “branch” of DevLUp, and they’ve given us permission to use their name, tools, and network of industry professionals and talented students to help our organization succeed! …in exchange for a blood sacrifice of one FSU student per year! We’re overdue on that, so please, please come to meetings…

They have a super cool site with a live feed of work members have posted across every branch’s Discord that you can visit here!

In A Fancy and Formal Way Of Speaking:

DevLUp FSU is a non-profit organization dedicated to programming and the arts as it applies to real-time graphics and Video Game development. We aim to educate and provide resources to interested FSU students, from hobbyists to professionals. We encourage respect for others as well as the values of ethical game development and design.

Our current board is:

President: Alec Tremblay

Vice President: Dion Tryban

Treasurer: Skylar Scorca

Secretary: Michael Ridgeway

Promoting Chair: Chris Swezy

and tim sweeney on drums