Welcome to site for DevLUp FSU! Below are materials and notes from our meetings, as well as any updates we've posted on the state of our club! Join our Discord server to keep up to date with our meetings and events!

About Toasty Time This is copy about the game Related Workshops: “Fall 23 GBM #10 - Preparing for War”

About The Sky Is Falling “The Sky is Falling” is a 3D Arcade style platforming game inspired by the characters and world of the movie “Chicken Little”. The player dodges items thrown at them from a UFO to survive as long as possible until they are knocked out and abducted!...

About Party Pirates “Party Pirates” is a local multiplayer party game where players compete for loot in an arena. This game was co-developed by all of DevLUp FSU, as this year’s collaborative project. All of the source code and assets are public on Github! Related Workshops: “Fall 23 GBM #7...

About Club Pangolin “Club Pangolin” is a network based game where people join a host computer with cute little pangolin avatars and can both chat and emote to each other from different computers. We used it to showcase the basics of networking in Godot. (Obviously inspired by Club Penguin) Related...

Intro to Minecraft Modding Lesson plan: Setting Up a Project How Do Mods Work? Creating an Item Creating a Block Connecting the Item to the Block Mod Template devlup-fsu-mod-template-1.20.4.zip Meeting Slides: