Welcome to site for DevLUp FSU! Below are materials and notes from our meetings, as well as any updates we've posted on the state of our club! Join our Discord server to keep up to date with our meetings and events!

Party Pirates Dev Day Lesson plan: Party Pirates Crash Course About the game Project Layout Issues Sharing our work! Meeting Slides:

Introduction to 3D Animation Lesson plan: Animation in Blender (Wacky, Wavy): Keyframes in a timeline Bones 🦴 Weight Painting Shapekeys/Blendshapes Let’s Make a Wacky Wavy Godot (Chicken Medium): Animated Chicken Animation Implementation Meeting Slides: Wacky Wavy Flailing Arm Men That We Made

Envrionment Art in Godot Lesson plan: Blender (Let’s make an asset!): Simple Navigation Modeling Shading Godot (Put them in Godot): Mesh Material Lighting Post-Processing A Tour of “Sky is Falling” Link to Github Repo Meeting Slides:

Your First 3D Game Lesson plan: Create A Project The Environment The Player The Falling Objects The UI Run The Game! Meeting Slides:

Intro to DevLUp FSU Lesson plan: What’s “DevLUp”? Meet the Team About our Semester-Long Project ARGGGGGG A Word on #💼career-development Party (Pirates) Time Meeting Slides: