Welcome to site for DevLUp FSU! Below are materials and notes from our meetings, as well as any updates we've posted on the state of our club! Join our Discord server to keep up to date with our meetings and events!

Your First Game in Godot Lesson plan: Project Setup Player Shooting Lasers Enemy Enemy Spawning Health Bar UI Meeting Slides: Assets: 💾📁your-first-game-fall-2023.zip📁💾 Github Repository: 🐱📁/your-first-game-fall-2023📁🐱 Meeting Recording:

Intro to DevLUp FSU Lesson plan: What’s “DevLUp”? Meet the Team About our Semester-Long Project A Word on #💼career-development On engines and About Godot Meeting Slides: Meeting Recording:

Hello and Welcome! Welcome to many things: A new semester! A new website! A new DevLUp FSU Board! A new way of our organization operating… We’re still a relatively new club - at the time of writing, less than a year old! But, we’ve come a long way in terms...